
The Food Innovation day took place in Girona (Catalonia) last January 31st rewarding innovation in the agrifood sector

The Food Innovation day took place in Girona (Catalonia) last January 31st. Ms. Teresa Jordà, Catalan minister for Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food (DARP), handed the Agroalimentary Technology Innovation Awards (PITA) and the Ruralapps Awards...

BASOTEK, sustainable forest innovation

Led by the Basque Government's Deputy Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Policy, BASOTEK is in line with the Basque Government's ambition of promoting innovation in the forestry sector, and is also part of its strategy to promote the forest-based bioeconomy as a new paradigm for economic development based on the use of forest resources to generate new value-added products and tools...

Innovation and Future: The Emilia-Romagna region believes in a dynamic and competitive agri-food system. March 1-3, 2019 – Bologna, Italy.

Investing in innovation is crucial to boosts the economy and creates jobs. The agri-food system needs to be ready to face economic, social and environmental challenges. Emilia-Romagna Region has taken steps to tackle this challenge. More than 2500 financed project and 642 million euro invested. This growth potential is now available to all. Three days for information, networking and cooperation...

Horizon2020 project NEFERTITI: farmer-to-farmer learning in whole Europe

The NEFERTITI project sets up demonstration farms all over Europe. These are commercial farms where the farmer will show his production methods and solutions to common problems to other farmers. This creates a setting where farmers can discuss and exchange knowledge. There will also be a platform where demonstration videos will be shared...


Calendar of Events

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