Rural-Urban Partnerships Motivating Regional Economies” is an interregional cooperation project funded by the Interreg Europe Programme 2014-2020. The project supports European regions to foster rural-urban partnerships and improve the implementation of related regional development policies and programmes. RUMORE enhances the establishment of innovation collaborations and synergies between urban and rural areas. By doing so, it stimulates the sustainable development of regions and contributes to territorial cohesion in Europe. We are honoured and privileged to invite you to explore the outcomes of the RUMORE project. This publication summarises the results of intense collaboration and productive interregional learning within the project consortium  comprising  eight  partners  from  five  European  countries.  It includes a summary of the six action plans, elaborated in the framework of the project, as well as targeted recommendations including good practice examples from the partner regions for enhancing innovation processes and rural-urban partnerships in European regions

Prof. Jörg Knieling HafenCity University Hamburg, Lead Partner on behalf of the RUMORE consortium.

RUMORE final brochure with project recommendations:

RUMORE website: