We want to set up a European horticulture network for several reasons. First of all, we want to get to know other horticulture regions/clusters to learn from each other and to let firms learn from firms in another region/country. These contacts can serve as potential project partners (regional or EU funded). Besides that, we also want to create more awareness of the horticultural sector in the EU. Spread information about the importance of the sector concerning food security, health and wellbeing of EU citizens, employment opportunities, etc. It would help if a network of regions/clusters from different countries will tell the same story!

This network will be connected to the Plant Inter Cluster (PIC) which is a consortium of the following French clusters: AgriSud Ouest Innovation, Céréales Vallée-Nutravita, Terralia and VEGEPOLYS. The PIC is expanding to a more European network of horticultural clusters. We want to pool this horticultural cluster network with a network of horticultural regions.

The Annual PIC meeting is this year at 12/13th of June
