
ROSEWOOD4.0: taking the ROSEWOOD network to the next level!

ROSEWOOD4.0 harnesses digital solutions and boosts knowledge transfer to connect multiple actors along the forest value chain to reinforce the sustainability of wood mobilisation in Europe...


On May 7th and 8th, the final event of BIO4ECO ("Sustainable regional bioenergy policies: a game-changer") will take place in Barcelona, where you are invited to come. This is an Interreg Europe project led by CTFC


Over the last three years (2017-2019) the RUMORE project has been a productive platform to exchange and develop ideas for rural-urban partnerships and innovation delivery. In the coming two years (2020-2021) several of these ideas will be realised and so, the fruits of the exchange will grow.

RUMORE “Rural-Urban Partnerships Motivating Regional Economies” is an interregional cooperation project funded by the Interreg Europe Programme 2014-2020.We are honored and privileged to invite you to explore the outcomes of the RUMORE project. This publication (final brochure) summarises the results of intense collaboration and productive interregional learning within the project consortium comprising eight partners from five European countries.

Prof. Jörg Knieling HafenCity University Hamburg, Lead Partner on behalf of the RUMORE consortium.

RUMORE final brochure with project recommendations:

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS 5thEuropean Agroforestry Conference – Agroforestry for the transition towards sustainability and bioeconomy

We are glad to announce the *5th **European Agroforestry Conference (EURAF 2020): Agroforestry for the transition towards sustainability and
bioeconomy*. The conference will take place in Nuoro, Sardinia (Italy), from the 18th to the 20th of May 2020.

Nuoro, Sardinia - Italy



Calendar of Events

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