
Local food challenge has been launched in Lapland!

We challenge all the municipalities in Lapland to have one local food day in their six week menus. During the local food day at least some of the products served in local schools, kindergartens and elderly homes are local, such as potatoes, milk, fish, meat and berries. Our goal is that the local products of Lapland gain more visibility and interest also in the public food distribution...

Horticulture Region or Cluster? Be part of the network!!

Are you a cluster or a region that is active in the horticultural sector? If so, are you interested in being part of a horticulture network? With horticulture we mean all the plant production...

Farm Demo Conference will take place on 21st May in Brussels

The largest event designed to enhance peer-to-peer learning is The Farm Demo Conference in Brussels, a close collaboration between 3 European projects funded under Horizon 2020...

Plant Inter Cluster Meeting next 12/13th june in Westland (Holland)

Plant Inter Cluster Meeting – June 12/13th 2019

Registration is open !
GreenTech/PIC/Flower Trials in the same package !



Calendar of Events

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