
5th Edition of the Forest Innovation Workshop

“The role of innovation in managing new challenges in the forest-based sector at regional level in the EU” January 18th, 2023, 9:00-17:00 CET Started in 2014 as a joint initiative of European regions and forest sector organizations, the 5th edition of the European Forest Innovation Workshop devoted to Inform-Prioritize-Collaborate: Cooperation of Regions on Innovation in…...

PREPSOIL: What’s the deal? Supporting ‘A Soil Deal for Europe’ to favour soil health in Europe and beyond

Perhaps you don’t stop to think every time you walk on the dirt beneath you what precious a resource you have underfoot, or that just once centimetre of the soil that you tread on can take hundreds of years to form. Our life on earth is dependent on soil. It endows the clean water that…...

European Partnership on Agroecology, living labs and research infrastructure: On-line survey

EC DG AGRI has just published the EU on-line survey entitled “First screening of European agroecology living labs and research infrastructures initiatives” that aims to provide a first overview of ongoing initiatives on the ground that could be potentially relevant to inform the development of the candidate partnership on agroecology living labs and research infrastructures.…...


Ghent University, INAGRO and the Agricultural University of Athens are organising a virtual cross-exchange visit on best practices for multi-actor approaches for projects on smart protection on July 9th, from 10:00-12:00 a.m. Aim of the virtual visit is: To widen the Thematic Network community To link Thematic Networks with Multi-Actor Projects, and Operational Groups in…...


Calendar of Events

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